Friday, December 21, 2007

Almost there.

Christmas is nearly here, as usual everyone's doing a 'headless chicken' impression at the shops,laying in enough food for a siege. I've had a weird year, quite a few crap parts to it but outweighed by the good parts.In particular, the birth of my granddaughter who has been an absolute delight. I have a job to look forward to in the new year which is really welcome after a year of inactivity.So I would just like to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a truly fortunate New Year.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tommy is a ' Tammy'

After being with us a while, I noticed Tommy wasn't developing anything in the nether regions. One proper confirmed he was a she! We still love her, but getting her neutered cost more. Oh well, never mind.

Monday, March 12, 2007


This is Tommy our new kitten, Adrian wanted to call him pinball wizard, but I really couldn't see me shouting that from the doorstep. I compromised with Tommy. He's a little sweetie, like all cats he already knows he rules the house. Therefore he's stolen my fleece blanket. That's what he's lying on in the picture. This is the first time we've had a pet without a houseful of children to distract it. We have both been behaving as if we have a new child, fretting over how much he's eaten, has he done a wee etc, etc. Hopefully we'll get over it soon and start treating him like a cat [unlikely]

Monday, February 12, 2007

The meeting

Adrian my first grandchild meets his cousin Jennifer. He came home full of news and emotion. "She's got a lovely little head with a bump in it" he is definitely enraptured. Adrian says he loves her because she looks cute.
Hopefully the admiration will be mutual as she grows up, her mummy and aunty have always been very close, so I think the cousins will be too.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

First Grandaughter

Here's my first grandaughter, Jennifer Louise. Born at 14:32 on February 11th 2007. I expected to be happy when I saw her, but I wasn't prepared for the total deja vu experience. She is so much like her mum, my daughter, I was taken back 22 years to the day Claire was born. It was weird, my eldest grandson is very much like his uncle but I didn't get that feeling with him.
Adrian is very close to his grandad, so I must admit I'm hoping Jennifer will become my little sidekick! I sat and cuddled her while Claire went off for a ciggie, time seemed to stand still for me as I watched her face, counted her fingers and breathed in that gorgeous new baby smell.
I'm sure this little girl will have a lot of love around her, I sat and watched mummy and daddy together with her, they looked so full of joy I almost expected to hear angelic music!
Welcome to the world Jennifer, I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Just catching up

The picture's just for fun, since I got back I haven't been able to sort out my internet access till now,and have no new photo's uploaded yet.

One thing I've learnt recently, is how you never appreciate a thing until you lose it. I've lost my independance, my back has given up on me, and I hate not being able to just do what I normally do. I'm so sleep deprived because the pain wakes me up, I can't do the simplest of things like tie my shoelaces, and worst of all, I can't pick up my grandkids if they fall.

Hopefully, Rachel my physiotherapist will be able to sort me out, but it has made me rethink my career options. I may be able to avoid lifting as we're not supposed to anyway, but even standing for periods of time is not an option, I have to keep moving or sit down. What do you do when nursing is all you've known for 30 years? I seriously need to win the lottery or something!