Wednesday, January 23, 2013

One week till payday

I've completed part one of my resolution, the budget analysis. It needs a bit of fine tuning but does show I overspend every month by about £160. No wonder I can't  get ahead with the credit card, as that's  where the money is coming from.
Part two is now making cuts in the budget it would help if I could increase the income, but I need the OH to get a job. I physically can't do anymore, not enough hours in the day.
So I've added up what bills go out each month, subtracted them from my income & I'm left with £414.64p to live on. That's food, clothes, birthdays, Christmas, repairs/replacements & those things that crop up & surprise you. ( like  the leaky pipe in the bathroom)
I've definitely got my work cut out for me.

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